The RMAP was the cause of TAM air crash in Congonhas Airport (Brazil) last year, but unfortunately the Brazilian Air Authorities still static and didn`t apply the RMAP until today, besides the Brazilian Air Authorities are knowing about the RMAP since 2007/11/27. I have the documentation that I can proving this information, last week an Air Crash happened in South Africa, one month ago another Air Crash happened in Central West Africa, more than 28 people died, in Panamá happened another Air Crash, five people died and every time that happened any kind of this Air Crash, the World Air Authority gave for us simples Aviators that the cause of those Air Crash was the bad Weather, a Aircraft failure or the Crew Failure, very simple answer for the people that didn`t lose any relative like the World Air Authorities, But, really in the most of the Air Crashes studied by the World Air Authorities the Crew was the Cause of the Air Crash. In this case the Crew were far from here and the dead Crew could not saying any thing against the Air World Authorities. So, one more ease job was finishing.
Now; I hope that the World Air Authorities say: The RMAP was the cause of those Air Crash showed before.
Here in Brazil, the Anac, (National Civil Aviation Agency) sent me some e-mails accept that the RMAP is the cause of the TAM Air Crash in Congonhas AirPort in last year. I am waiting that the Brazilian Air Authorities apply the RMAP in Brazil before another Air Crash due the same reason.
Roberto Milán.
BRASIL! Império dos OFICIAIS GENERAIS que o tomaram de Dom Pedro ll e desde
então, estão no SUBMUNDO COAGINDO, AMEAÇANDO, MATANDO, Estuprando,
Desfazendo Famílias, SEQUESTRANDO E COLOCANDO inocentes na cadeia,
Hospício; Esse é o destino de todos que querem uma República!
*Isso é o que os Oficiais Generais das Forcas Armadas Fazem com quem
descorda dele!*
Há 6 anos
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