sexta-feira, 27 de junho de 2008

The answers to the frequents questions in my Orkut.

RMAP is a point on the RUNWAY that the Aircraft Captain must to start the missing Approaching procedure; So the Aircraft Captain will have All safety to have enough to speed upping the Aircraft in one-engine condition from 80kt until reaching the rotation speed to pass over the end of Runway or over the clear way at 35 feet and every subsequent obstacles; it is like the V1 on Take off! If the Aircraft is in this point with the speed less than 80kt, the Aircraft will have enough length Runway to do full stop or on stop way. It is like a V1, but in this case the RMAP is a Physical Point on Runway, One Decision Point; The Aircraft Captain must to start the Missing Approaching Procedure if it is reaching this point with more than 80kt.
If there was the RMAP when happened the TAM Crash in Congonhas and the Aircraft was with the thrust enough to do the Missing Approaching Procedure the cause of the Crash was from the Captain, but the RMAP didn`t exist in that time, so the cause of that crash was the no applying of RMAP, like another crashes since that my first information to the Air World Authorities, in another words, every approaching procedure done in the world since that time is a (Russian-roulette).
The formula of the RMAP or RMAPj = RWLT – {MLWV1MappflapLT – (MLW80ktV1mappflapLT + X) is in my Blog: I believe that early the Brazilian Air Authorities will apply the RMAP in Brazil, if they won`t do it and any person die for no applying of the RMAP, so real that God Exist; I Roberto Milán will go to denounce them to more closing Police Station as killers of the so Proclaimed Crash victims due the no applying of RMAP. I hope that won`t be need to do this, because the Brazilian Authorities soon will apply the RMAP.
I need that every body show the RMAP to every people that they know, if you want any kind of information about RMAP or Flight Safety, please send me a E-mail to or inter in my Orkut community (Flight Safety by Roberto Milán) and you will do your question.
Some one asked me this, so I hope that, every body, get this information.
- Hi! I understood, but a think that I got a doubt, for each weight, the Decision Point Change, is That? How this think works if this point is so variable?
- Good-bye.
The Aircraft will be classified by the Approaching Speed in according with the ICAO Categories: The A,B,C,D and E, in the case of the Civil Jets usually they are in the C category; do you remember in Instrument Approaching Card when you choose your minimum to do your Approaching ? If we consider for example that it will be used as reference to “C“ Aircraft Category, the more weighty Aircraft that get operation in this Runway . So we consider that the B-747 is the reference Aircraft for this Runway, we can say that the yellow signer with the C black letter is the B-747 signer reference and the yellow signer with C 10 black letter and number is to the F-100 or B-737, this is just hypothetic information; (each number is the same than 100 meters, so C 10 is the same than 1000 meters after the Reference Signer, in this case is the B-747 aircraft signer) The Air World Authorities will must to do studies to Aircrafts, Runways and Crews Homologation. Each Aircraft will have its signer every time considering the maximum land weight to that Runway, because the Runway can be in sea level or in another level, contaminated, etc…

The correction of runway contamination and another correction more are in the V1 values.

The Reference Signer will be to worst condition of the Runway for the more weight aircraft that use this Runway

When a Runway will be working to PAR or Category III ILS Approaching, the reference signer Aircraft Category Will have a Electronic Signal; Where Will be the RMAP for all aircraft of this Approaching Category.
In case of the Runway Reference Aircraft be with light or minimum land weight, the reference to this land will be the Runway Reference Aircraft Signer plus some meters, in others words, the signer will be C1 or C2 or C3, etc…

I am speaking about my RMAP project, I don`t know if the Air World Authorities will follow my ideas that is in the ICAO principles.

When the crew does the Landing Data Paper, they must to put the RMAP to this Runway in the same way that MDA, DA,DH, etc…

Thanks for your questions, I am here for another question.

Roberto Milán

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