quarta-feira, 4 de junho de 2008


( RMAP to Jet aircraft using missing approaching flap without ACRT )
RMAPj = RWLT – [ MLWV1MappflapLT – ( MLW80ktV1mappflapLT + X)]
RMAPj ( RMAP to Jet aircraft using missing approaching flap without ACRT )
ACRT ( Automatic Closing Reverser with Thrust power )
X { Meters (m) lost to close the reverser and reaching full thrust power}
M ( Maximum )
LT ( Length )
L (Landing )
W ( Weight )
Mappflap (Missing approaching flap)

The correction of runway contamination and another correction more are in the V1 values.

*Something more can be including for an other proposal.

Roberto Milán

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