quinta-feira, 19 de junho de 2008

The event of Air Flight Safety; no is NO and yes is YES.

The event of Air Flight Safety; no is NO and yes is YES, if there is, some thing between this Words, it is the AIR CRASH.
Unfortunately, more one Air crash happened yesterday in South Africa , thanks God nobody died , the cause of this air crash was the same of the air crash in Congonhas, Panamá and in an other country in north west of Africa two and half weeks ago, that more than 28 people died.
I hope that in the next Air Crash due no application of RMAP, God helps again to every body be ok! The world Air Authorities still do not doing any thing to apply the RMAP and some thing between YES and NO is coming to the evidence of a great Air Crash likes What happened in Congonhas.

The world Air Authorities are exactly in the middle of YES and NO.

The Air Crash, every times Advise that it is coming to happen with us.
I will be waiting for the RMAP application for the Air Authorities in Brazil and in the World.

Roberto Milán.

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