BRAZILIAN AIR AUTHORITIES RECOGNIZED ABOUT MY DISCOVERIES! / Autoridades Aeronáuticas Brasileiras Reconhecem Minhas Descobertas!
"From: sie@anac.gov.br
To: laurenbrocardo@hotmail.com
CC: katia.portella@anac.gov.br
Date: Thu, 8 May 2008 14:28:57 -0300
Subject: RES: Agora eles sabem o porque do acidente da TAM, Temos que enfrentar a verdade. (CONTINUAÇÃO)
Prezado Sr. Roberto Milán
Acusamos o recebimento de suas informações e agradecemos a sua prestimosa colaboração. Seu relato está sendo devidamente encaminhado para a Área Técnica especializada do assunto, que tomará as providências cabíveis quanto ao tema em pauta. Todas as informações serão analisadas pelos nossos especialistas, que irão reformular todos os procedimentos afim de sanar as falhas pelo senhor apresentadas.
Kátia N. Portella Nunes
Gerente Técnico
Superintendência de Infra-Estrutura Aeroportuária-SIE
Agência nacional de Aviação Civil- ANAC"
( “que irão reformular todos os procedimentos afim de sanar as falhas pelo senhor apresentadas.”
“that they will reformulate all procedures to make amends for no more happen the failures by you presented “ )
Please, show it to Every Body that you Know.
Help me to save lives.
Now, we a Back in the Same Point.
What is more important? Flight Safety, Human Lives or FBW System, No Applying of RMAP and BACS?
Now they are forced all Pilots Flying the Aircraft with out Flight Safety!
It is a Russian Roulette; Do You Want to Die? Leave your Family?
So, Come to my Fight for the Flight Safety! For the Lives!
Please, show it to Everybody that you Know! Just it!
You can see all this Article in the Address: http://robertomrmilan.blogspot.com/2010/03/brazilian-air-authorities-recognized.html
Videos About:
Explanation about RMAP, The True Cause of the crash of TAM, that Brazilian Air Authorities are Censoring;Version in English / Explicação sobre a RMAP, Verdaedeira Causa do Acidente da TAM, que as Autoridades Brasileiras estão Censurando
Interview in TV Record about RMAP application Version in English / Entrevista na TV Record sobre a aplicação da RMAP.
* "RMAP" Runway Missing Approaching Point, (Cause of the crash of TAM that killed 199 people in São Paulo and the crash in India that 158 people died)
* "BACS" System Anti-Collision System, (which avoids the ingestion of birds avoiding accidents as the aircraft splashed down in the river in NY)
* And the Problem of Electromagnetic Inductance at FBW aircraft system ( Very likely Cause the Crash of Air France)
Please Touch on the ARROWS to see TITLES or place in Google search and come directly to any page of the Flight Safety Blog by Roberto Milán talking about the subject required.
The same procedure must be done to find subjects on the struggle without any lawyer Against Brazilian Justice, the Brazilian Government and the Legislature Dollars. I mean, Brazilian Anarchy!
The PHYSIC laws are better than worst engineer
As an engineer? Honestly? the A380 has been the best working experience for me.
(Just if you are really an engineer:
Why you and your friends Didn`t Answered me how you and your dear Friends do to avoid the Magnetic Inductance Caused by a FLASH OF LIGHTNING or THUNDERBOLT?
Why you and your Friends put me out of the Airbus Community without any question or argue about this really Airbus Problem! The impossibility to avoid the Magnetic Inductance Caused by a FLASH OF LIGHTNING or THUNDERBOLT?
Why you and your friends are doing censure about the Airbus and The impossibility to avoid the Magnetic Inductance Caused by a FLASH OF LIGHTNING or THUNDERBOLT?
The PHYSIC laws are better than worst engineer!
I Am published this information in Another Communities in English.)
Roberto Milán
RMAP is a runway missing approaching point that is equal runway land length available minus maximum land weight V1 length running by the aircraft minus 300 meters plus the length running by the aircraft due the lost of time to take action.
RMAPjm = LDA – [ MLWV1 MappflapLT – (300m + X)]
Roberto Milán.
FORMULA RMAPjmappflapm
( RMAP to Jet aircraft using missing approaching flap without ACRT )
RMAPjm = RWLT – [ MLWV1MappflapLT – ( 300m + X)]
RMAPjm = LDA – [ MLWV1 MappflapLT – (300m + X)]
RMAPj ( RMAP to Jet aircraft using missing approaching flap without ACRT )
ACRT ( Automatic Closing Reverser with Thrust power )
LDA (Land distance Available)
X { Meters (m) lost to close the reverser and reaching full thrust power}
M ( Maximum )
LT ( Length )
L (Landing )
W ( Weight )
m (Meter)
Mappflap (Missing approaching flap)
The correction of runway contamination and another correction more are in the V1 values.
*Something more can be including for an other proposal.
Roberto Milán
Flight Safety is more important than Any Aircraft!
RMAP is Runway Missing Approaching Point, Just Because, The Aircraft doesn't reaching Low Speed less than 80kts, so the Aircraft will do the Missing Approaching Procedure and no full stopped land, if the Aircraft when reach the RMAP Signer with low Speed, LESS than 80kts, it will do full stopped land and waiting the time ANOUGH to VMBE (Maximum Brake Energy Speed) and to start a new departure Procedure, Just it.
And you don't Forget!!! Flight Safety is Air Security, if any Aircraft is not Safety, must to be Grounding, just it…
It is so easy… If the Aircraft doesn't have limitation enough, It will not be Applied RMAP. Flight Safety is more important than Any Aircraft; The Aircraft must to get good limitation of the Maximum Brake Energy Speed, just it!!!
Flight Safety is Air Security, if any Aircraft is not Safety, must to be Grounding, just it…
Roberto Milán
The answers to the frequents questions in my Orkut.
RMAP is a point on the RUNWAY that the Aircraft Captain must to start the missing Approaching procedure; So the Aircraft Captain will have All safety to have enough to speed upping the Aircraft in one-engine condition from 80kt until reaching the rotation speed to pass over the end of Runway or over the clear way at 35 feet and every subsequent obstacles; it is like the V1 on Take off! If the Aircraft is in this point with the speed less than 80kt, the Aircraft will have enough length Runway to do full stop or on stop way. It is like a V1, but in this case the RMAP is a Physical Point on Runway, One Decision Point; The Aircraft Captain must to start the Missing Approaching Procedure if it is reaching this point with more than 80kt.
If there was the RMAP when happened the TAM Crash in Congonhas and the Aircraft was with the thrust enough to do the Missing Approaching Procedure the cause of the Crash was from the Captain, but the RMAP didn`t exist in that time, so the cause of that crash was the no applying of RMAP, like another crashes since that my first information to the Air World Authorities, in another words, every approaching procedure done in the world since that time is a (Russian-roulette).
The formula of the RMAP or RMAPj = RWLT – {MLWV1MappflapLT – (MLW80ktV1mappflapLT + X) is in my Blog: http://www.robertomrmilan.blogspot.com/ I believe that early the Brazilian Air Authorities will apply the RMAP in Brazil, if they won`t do it and any person die for no applying of the RMAP, so real that God Exist; I Roberto Milán will go to denounce them to more closing Police Station as killers of the so Proclaimed Crash victims due the no applying of RMAP. I hope that won`t be need to do this, because the Brazilian Authorities soon will apply the RMAP.
I need that every body show the RMAP to every people that they know, if you want any kind of information about RMAP or Flight Safety, please send me a E-mail to laurenbrocardo@hotmail.com or inter in my Orkut community (Flight Safety by Roberto Milán) and you will do your question.
Some one asked me this, so I hope that, every body, get this information.
- Hi! I understood, but a think that I got a doubt, for each weight, the Decision Point Change, is That? How this think works if this point is so variable?
- Good-bye.
The Aircraft will be classified by the Approaching Speed in according with the ICAO Categories: The A,B,C,D and E, in the case of the Civil Jets usually they are in the C category; do you remember in Instrument Approaching Card when you choose your minimum to do your Approaching ? If we consider for example that it will be used as reference to “C“ Aircraft Category, the more weighty Aircraft that get operation in this Runway . So we consider that the B-747 is the reference Aircraft for this Runway, we can say that the yellow signer with the C black letter is the B-747 signer reference and the yellow signer with C 10 black letter and number is to the F-100 or B-737, this is just hypothetic information; (each number is the same than 100 meters, so C 10 is the same than 1000 meters after the Reference Signer, in this case is the B-747 aircraft signer) The Air World Authorities will must to do studies to Aircrafts, Runways and Crews Homologation. Each Aircraft will have its signer every time considering the maximum land weight to that Runway, because the Runway can be in sea level or in another level, contaminated, etc…
The correction of runway contamination and another correction more are in the V1 values.
The Reference Signer will be to worst condition of the Runway for the more weight aircraft that use this Runway
When a Runway will be working to PAR or Category III ILS Approaching, the reference signer Aircraft Category Will have a Electronic Signal; Where Will be the RMAP for all aircraft of this Approaching Category.
In case of the Runway Reference Aircraft be with light or minimum land weight, the reference to this land will be the Runway Reference Aircraft Signer plus some meters, in others words, the signer will be C1 or C2 or C3, etc…
I am speaking about my RMAP project, I don`t know if the Air World Authorities will follow my ideas that is in the ICAO principles.
When the crew does the Landing Data Paper, they must to put the RMAP to this Runway in the same way that MDA, DA,DH, etc…
Thanks for your questions, I am here for another question.
Roberto Milán
About the Air France Air Crash I think that:
About the Air France Air Crash I think that it has a Great possibility that the Aircraft loss the Air control due to a Magnetic Inductance caused for a great flash of lightning that passed close or touch in the Aircraft, but it is just a possibility, the law of the magnetic Inductance show for us that it is completely possible.
The Aircraft that is using the system FBW is not protect from the magnetic inductance caused for a great flash of lightning, it is a fact. Faraday cage protect the Aircraft just against the Electrical charge, but no against the Magnetic Inductance caused for a great flash of lightning that it will create a great Electrical Charge in the wires inside or the Aircraft and it will break the wire, and all this System FBW will stop and if the Aircraft has parallel System FBW, all can be stop and the Aircraft will lost all control including the FADEC System too…
It is what I think About this Air Crash, but is clear that never will be the official Cause…Never they will find the CVR and FDR, Never we will know where is this CVR and FDR, this is the law of the more stronger, the people that just wants money, just it…
For them, Flight Safety is joke…
Roberto Milán
Flight by Wire, won't be Working in the Future, The Electromagnetism was forgetting by the ENGENERS.
The Electromagnetic Induction shows up in each metallic surface look like metallic wire that takes electric inputs through itself to a Servo that transform this electric energy to hydraulic energy and from this to mechanic Energy to command the Aircraft Flight Controls Surfaces. Like is it in case of the high electric discharger a Big Magnetic Arc perpendicular the electric flux (OR CHARGER) so strong as the electric flux will appear to make up a so big as the electric charger ELETROMAGNETIC INDUTION that is a BASIC FACTOR to Transform Magnetic energy to Electric Energy. The System that use the metallic surface or wire (to takes electric inputs through itself to a Servo that transform this electric energy to hydraulic energy and from this to mechanic Energy to command the Aircraft Flight Controls Surfaces) is vulnerable to a ELETROMAGNETIC INDUTION and this fact do this System be UNSAFETY to Be The Unique Base System (FLIGHT by WIRE) to leader the Aircraft Flight Control.
I request that, Any Electric Doctor OR Engineer or Air Authorities that Show to me where is a System to Protect a Electric System (FLIGHT by WIRE) from a ELETROMAGNETIC INDUTION.
Considering this fact, I suggest to the Engineers and the Air Authorities that to save the Aircraft using (Flight by Wire) this kind of Flight leader Controls to put paralleling with this (FLIGHT by WIRE)a conventional leader Control with cable like WAS using Before the (FLIGHT by WIRE)
Roberto Milán
The PHYSIC laws are better than worst engineer
As an engineer? Honestly? the A380 has been the best working experience for me.
(Just if you are really an engineer:
Why you and your friends Didn't Answered me how you and your dear Friends do to avoid the Magnetic Inductance Caused by a FLASH OF LIGHTNING or THUNDERBOLT?
Why you and your Friends put me out of the Airbus Community without any question or argue about this really Airbus Problem! The impossibility to avoid the Magnetic Inductance Caused by a FLASH OF LIGHTNING or THUNDERBOLT?
Why you and your friends are doing censure about the Airbus and The impossibility to avoid the Magnetic Inductance Caused by a FLASH OF LIGHTNING or THUNDERBOLT?
The PHYSIC laws are better than worst engineer!
I Am published this information in Another Communities in English.)
Roberto Milán
OPERATION RESTRICTION OF AIRBUS AIRCRAFT that is in it OPERATION MANUAL, THAT it Shows to us the INNOCENCE of the AVIATORS in the TAM Air Crash in Congonhas Airport, Brazil.
“V Commitment for Full-stop Landing
Landing incidents and accidents clearly demonstrate that after the thrust reversers
have been deployed (even at reverse idle), the landing must be completed to a full
stop, as a successful go-around may not be possible.
The following occurrences have resulted in a significantly reduced rate of climb or in
departure from controlled flight:
• Thrust asymmetry resulting from asymmetrical engine spool up (i.e., asymmetrical
engine acceleration characteristics from a ground idle level);
• Thrust asymmetry resulting from one thrust reverser going to the stow position
faster than the other one; and,
• Severe thrust asymmetry resulting from one thrust reverser failing to re-stow.
As you can see, the missing approaching procedure is impossible now a day in the Airbus Aircraft and Boeing Aircraft between another's Aircrafts; What we can affirm, that it is necessary to be apply Urgently the RMAP And after do it, no more Aircraft with this kind of Operation Restrictions will be permitted to Fly.
Roberto Milán
If It Does not have Eletrical Energy! It DOESN`T have FLY BY WIRE OR FLIGHT BY WIRE! IT IS A FACT!!!
Usually the people forgot that a very big electrical source transient makes a VERY BIG and Violent Magnetic Field Perpendicular the Direction of the Electrical Source ( The rule of the left hand ); This magnetic variation, the Faraday Cage can not contain it and any electric conductor inside of this Magnetic Field, it will get a Electro-Magnetic Inductance similar what happen in the static magnetic field inside of a electrical Generator, This is the base of the Generator functioning; Therefor it is correct, that have account about people reached by a thunderbolt and got grave wound or they died and the people very close of them, just got their necklace and bracelet melted; It remember us about a bobbin, that a very big Magnetic Field, cut it and make a Big Source beyond of it limits; The Source generated is very Stronger and Very Quick (Instantaneous Big Source) It is So Big, that MELT the METAL.
Where is the isolated of the Magnetic field generated by a Thunderbolt?
Who knows about a filter to contain the Magnetic Field Generated by a Thunderbolt?
Where are the Engineers, The Authorities, the guardian of the knowledge locker to answer for us this question?
I Am waiting for this answers!
Roberto Milán
"Airbus is expected to face calls to ground its worldwide fleet of long-range airliners tomorrow when French accident investigators issue their first account of what caused Air France Flight 447 to crash off Brazil on June 1.
It is believed that the accident bureau will report that stormy weather was a factor but faulty speed data and electronics were the main problem in the disaster that killed 228 people.
The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) is likely to be asked why it had never taken action to remedy trouble that was well known with the Airbus 330 and 340 series. Nearly 1,000 of the aircraft are flying and until AF447, no passenger had been killed in one.
“EASA has a legal and moral obligation to get to the bottom of this problem now. If there is a defective system and the aircraft is unsafe then it should be grounded,” said James
Healy-Pratt of Stewarts Law in London. The firm, which specializes in aviation, is representing the families of 20 of the victims of flight 447.
Only 11 bodies of the 50 recovered from the Atlantic have been identified. They include Captain Marc Dubois, 58, who is believed to have been resting when his two co-pilots lost control of the aircraft in a storm. The search for bodies has been called off but ships continue to hunt for the black boxes although their locater beacons are assumed to have expired.
Suspicion over the air data systems on the Airbus 330 and 340 series has increased after the disclosure that the aircraft had experienced 36 episodes similar to the one that brought Flight 447 down as it flew from Rio de Janeiro to Paris.
Airbus first reported problems with the speed sensors — known as pitot tubes — in 1994, it emerged this week. The company advised remedies, but no mandatory action was taken.
Last weekend, the US National Transportation Safety Board, began looking into two incidents in which Airbus A330s flying from the US suffered critical episodes apparently similar to that of AF447.
This raises the prospect of a possible US order on modifications to the Airbus.
The first US incident occurred on May 21 when a TAM Airlines flight from Miami to Sao Paulo, Brazil, lost primary speed and altitude information while in cruise flight. The other was on a Northwest Airlines flight, on June 23, from Hong Kong to Tokyo.
Accounts on the internet from the pilots report a desperate struggle to keep the jet in the air.
The fate of Flight 447 would probably have remained an eternal mystery had the aircraft not automatically transmitted data back to the Air France maintenance base.
In the final four minutes, they told a story that was familiar to the airline. Ice particles or water had blocked the three pitot tubes. This upset the air data computers which in turn caused the automatic pilot to disconnect. The pilots would have had to fly manually in near-impossible conditions.
I Would like your special attention for what is in dark letter in this Article above.
I sent to the Pilot Union in the USA, International Pilot Associate, FAA,NTSB, EASA, JAA, ANAC and the Brazilian Air Authorities about the problem of Electromagnet Inductance Generated by the Thunderbolt and I believe that all Aircraft using FBW System are under under observation and if the American was going against the Airbus (As Some body Says), The American was going Against the B-777, if it was truth, they was shooting at their feet and they is not fool, they Respect so much the Flight Safety, just it. The truth is that every Responsible Pilot is get very caution with the Aircraft Using FBW System.
Unfortunately in Brazil we Pilots Do not have Pilots Union like in the USA and in several European Countries, here in Brazil we just have a Union of all Flight Staff and as the Pilots is a minority of the group, we have a Flight Attendant as a President of this Union, the consequence of this, is we are very wick union.
Please Pilots around the world, we have a Great Problem:
One is the no Applying of RMAP until today.
Another is the Unsafely using of FBW in thunderbolt.
And for last, the ingesting of Birds by the Engine and to avoid it, we must to ask to the Authorities to Apply the BACS. As you can see below.
Now, we a Back in the Same Point.
What is more important? Flight Safety, Human Lives or FBW System, No Applying of RMAP and BACS?
Now they are forced all Pilots Flying the Aircraft with out Flight Safety!
It is a Russian Roulette; Do You Want to Die? Leave your Family?
So, Come to my Fight for the Flight Safety! For the Lives!
Please, show it to Everybody that you Know! Just it!
Roberto Milán
The Power from Magnetic Field from a THUNDERBOLT reaching a very WICK WIRE.
The people every times say the same thing: The Faraday Cage will protect the Aircraft! Just a very BIG Mistake!
What the Faraday Cage Does is guarantee, just that the Thunderbolt Do Not inter inside of the Aircraft,because, the physical low says that, the electric source flow by out side of the electrical conductor. However, the Magnet Field Source cross the Faraday Cage ( THE AIRCRAFT). This Source, when reaching the Electrical Conductor, Make the Electro inductance appear, than the electricity is in the Electrical Conductor. So Simple than it! Just it!
Imagine the Power of the Magnetic Field from a THUNDERBOLT reaching this very WICK WIRE. It is Clear that this Wick Wire will MELT with this POWER.
Imagine that inside of the Aircraft are kilometers and kilometers of WICK WIRES.
The Flight by Wire or Fly By Wire is Not Safety.
Now, we a Back in the Same Point.
What is more important? Flight Safety, Human Lives or FBW System, No Applying of RMAP and BACS?
Now they are forced all Pilots Flying the Aircraft with out Flight Safety!
It is a Russian Roulette; Do You Want to Die? Leave your Family?
So, Come to my Fight for the Flight Safety! For the Lives!
Please, show it to Everybody that you Know! Just it!
You can see all this Article in the Address: http://robertomrmilan.blogspot.com/2010/03/brazilian-air-authorities-recognized.html
Roberto Milán
"BACS" (Bird Anti-Collision System)
This is a very simple System and very efficient to protect the Aircrafts and their Passenger against birds strikes: Let’s go to see how this invent works:
Considering that when somebody or some animal come to intercept us and we want to alert it, in principle, we make some kind of noise and this interception is avoided; The principle of the BACS is exactly the same, but, it used radios frequencies or the same Microwave like is used in Meteorologic Aircraft Radar.
Let`s go to consider a Ordinary Meteorologic Aircraft Radar project to detect meteorological layer or (rain or snow) precipitation during the flight. This equipment turn on the transmission equipment that send radio Frequency with High Power, this radio frequency sending no take more than a microsecond, But, in the case of the BACS, it is twice more powerful than the Ordinary Metrologic Aircraft Radar, with start Power of 200W and it use this frequency to remove of the Aircraft track the birds, however, different of the Radar, the BACS doesn't turn off the transmission equipment to turn on the receptor equipment to receive the returning frequencies from the target, just because in case of the BACS, it just have the transmission equipment. The radios waves travel in Light speed, about 300.000km/s, this conclusion, send us to observe that the BACS will alert the bird about the Aircraft with time enough to get out of Aircraft track and avoiding a bird strike, due to the BACS Antenna every time will be adjusted to transmit the radios frequencies in the Aircraft successive trajectory, so every time the Aircraft will be passing for a Clear bird Track.
UHF frequencies from X000 until 1X000MHz will be used; The transmission equipment gives radio-frequencies or microwaves like inputs electromagnetic modulated in high power that is sending in direction of the target ( or in front of Aircraft successive trajectory); During the propagation to the air, the electromagnetic radio frequency goes on in form of cone until reaching the target that will be compelling to get out in front of the Aircraft successive trajectory, because the power will be more stronger in the center of the arc electromagnetic radio transmission than in the periphery of this Arc Electromagnetic radio transmission.
It will be used radio-frequencies (MHz-million of Hertz until hundreds of million); so, we can see that the BACS just will send electromagnetic radio transmission in front of the Aircraft successive trajectory to remove the birds with the radios frequencies more appropriated for the birds that is flying in the season of the year that the Aircraft is flying over this specific local, but, it will have a electromagnetic radio or microwave frequency ordinary for all kind of Birds Around All World. All these frequencies will be published in the Aerodrome Approaching Cards, Departure Cards and Area Cards, etc…
The BACS will be:
System 1 or “S-1” and System 2 or “S2”.
The System 1 or “S-1” - The Crew will select the appropriated frequency in the BACS´s console in accord with frequencies published for this overfly area by the Aircraft in the season of the year that it is happening and the Birds that is flying at that time in this local overfly will be removed of the Aircraft route.
The System 2 or “S-2” - This system will be connecting with the “S-1”; A navigation equipment type: GPS, OMEGA, INERCIAL, etc… that will get select automatically the appropriated frequency in the console in accord with the overfly are by the Aircraft and the season of the year that it is happened and the Birds that is flying in this local overfly will be removed of the Aircraft route. In this case will be necessary that the software of this equipment be updated, consequently the Birds that is flying at that time in this local overfly will be removed of the Aircraft route. But, it could be select the appropriated frequency like it is select in the “S-1”
You can see all this Article in the Address:
Air Crash in Central America with an American Aircraft Air Lines,just because the Pilots no using the STANDARD OPERATION PROCEDURE RMAP.
Air Crash in Central America with an American Aircraft Air Lines,just because the Pilots no using the standard Operating Procedure RMAP, so far not been applied by the Aeronautical Authorities.
Again, a pilot who had never suffered an Air Accident now, has one, just because the Aviation Authorities have not implemented the Standard Operating Procedure RMAP.
Here in Brazil we, pilots are doing a Standard Operation to force the Authorities to apply the Standard Operating Procedure of RMAP and others demand...
Now we are happy, because no fatal victim are in this Air Accident with the American Air Lines Aircraft in Central America...
We “AVIATORS” in Brazil have a chorus, demand... by the Flight Safety:
(We “AVIATORS” are not airmen Guilty)
Please show this to all the people that you know!!!
Roberto Milán
Some question about the FBW in my Community: Flight Safety by Roberto Milán
All in side of (...) is my answers of the question!!!
( In case of:) “On the A320, there was a mechanical backup system”. (- I have some friends that fly this Aircraft and told me that is almost impossible in Flight Simulator land this aircraft with Safety on Runway and they usually told me that in case of REAL Conditions is Impossible to do it, Just a super Pilot with very much luck.)
(In this case of:) “Firstly, what happens if all flight computer systems fail? Can the pilots still provide input to the hydraulic systems? Are the electrical signals still transmitted simply without the computer monitoring?” (- I don`t fly this Aircraft, But, usually I get information that all Flight Control System is with Electrical Source, So if the Aircraft that has three parallel source, one as the principal and two as back cup; if all electrical source is missing, the aircraft will be out of control, but as I said, I never see the aircraft manual, this information I got by the my friends Pilots that flying this Aircraft.)
(I would like to say that the FBW has a Problem with Magnetic Inductance and the sub-systems of the Aircraft that use the FBW with Electrical Source get the same Problem.)
(In this case of:) “Secondly, if there is complete electrical failure (including all backups), however the engines are still running. Can they still be controlled? If so, I understand this would allow the pilot basic pitch control, but what would (s)he do about yaw/banking? Do the hydraulics work off of the engines or do they require electrics?” (- Is the same case as before answered!)
(In this case of:)”Thirdly, as above except with the engines offline. How would pitch/yaw/banking be controlled? (I understand that an answer for yaw/banking may be dependant on the answer to number two).” ( - I repeat the same thing that before and inform the FADEC that command the Aircraft Engine. )
(In this case of :)
(In this case of :) The questions above stem from my main issue with the fly by wire system, which I never see someone answer directly. I see everywhere that the hydraulics can work even during electrical failure. But is this with/without backup power (Batteries and RAT)? If there is a complete loss of electrics (again all backups lost), even if the hydraulics work, how can an electrical signal be sent from the flight controls in the cockpit to the hydraulic systems? (– I must to inform that the Magnetic Inductance cross all interior of the any Aircraft and can due to the high power of it source “THE THUNDERBOLT” and it event can cause a break of the wire or electrical conductor, just because the power of the electrical inductance is so big as the it source (THE THUNDERBOLT) is powered.)
(In this case of:)”And finally, if there is a complete failure, how would the pilot fly the aircraft without electrics and hydraulics? Does a 767, which is not fly by wire require hydraulics? Or can it be flown without them (anyone who has seen Freefall - Flight 174, a true story, will know what I am aiming for here). The pilot managed to glide the aircraft with, as far as I am aware, no hydraulics or power what so ever (until the RAT kicked in after a certain amount of time although he did manage it without anything for quite a while). Is this possible in an Airbus A330-40 without the above mentioned systems or dead stick I should say? Even without the RAT the 767 was gliding quite well, would an Airbus?
I do apologise for the long windedness of the questions but I have spent hours researching it and cannot find anything that even comes close to answering my questions.
Any help very much appreciated, thanks in advance.”
(-I just want to say that the System used from the Boeing 767 already show to everybody that it worked very well.)
All in side of () is my answers of the question!!!
Roberto Milán
✈ Mxnxxc
why you delete every topic?
I was flying and just come here today as I said...
Roberto Milán
I was flying and just come here today as I said...that I will be back on Monday, and today I am here!!!
In this community just me can Delete anything, but if any one does it I will call the Justice to here against the Google...All right is free in Brazil, Free Speech!!!
Roberto Milán
Flight Safety is more important than Any Aircraft
RMAP is Runway Missing Approaching Point, Just Because, The Aircraft doesn`t reaching Low Speed less than 80kts, so the Aircraft will do the Missing Approaching Procedure and no full stopped land, if the Aircraft when reach the RMAP Signer with low Speed, LESS than 80kts, it will do full stopped land and waiting the time ANOUGH to VMBE (Maximum Brake Energy Speed) and to start a new departure Procedure, Just it.
And you don`t Forget!!! Flight Safety is Air Security, if any Aircraft is not Safety, must to be Grounding, just it…
It is so easy… If the Aircraft doesn`t have limitation enough, It will not be Homologate RMAP. Flight Safety is more important than Any Aircraft; The Aircraft must to get good limitation of the Maximum Brake Energy Speed, just it!!!
Flight Safety is Air Security, if any Aircraft is not Safety, must to be Grounding, just it…
Roberto Milán
About the Air France Air Crash I think that:
About the Air France Air Crash I think that it has a Great possibility that the Aircraft loss the Air control due to a Magnetic Inductance caused for a great flash of lightning that passed close or touch in the Aircraft, but it is just a possibility, the law of the magnetic Inductance show for us that it is completely possible.
The Aircraft that is using the system FBW is not protect from the magnetic inductance caused for a great flash of lightning, it is a fact. Faraday cage protect the Aircraft just against the Electrical charge, but no against the Magnetic Inductance caused for a great flash of lightning that it will create a great Electrical Charge in the wires inside or the Aircraft and it will break the wire, and all this System FBW will stop and if the Aircraft has parallel System FBW, all can be stop and the Aircraft will lost all control including the FADEC System too…
It is what I think About this Air Crash, but is clear that never will be the official Cause…Never they will find the CVR and FDR, Never we will know where is this CVR and FDR, this is the law of the more stronger, the people that just wants money, just it…
For them, Flight Safety is joke…
Roberto Milán
Do you Want to be the Next Guilt AVIATOR Or Dead AVIATOR?
This is real, like the TAM Air Crash in Congonhas Airport, when 199 people died and the Brazilian Air Authorities said that the Pilots was the guilt for this air crash, like every time the Aviator will be, just because they will be dead.
The RMAP must to be Applied or the Aviators will continue being the GUILTS of ALL Air Crashs like this:
Look to the Pictures:
Do you Want to be the Next Guilt AVIATOR? Or Dead AVIATOR?
So, Please show it to EVERYBODY that you Know...
Thank for your Attention...
Roberto Milán
“Wikileaks” and "Flight Safety by Roberto Milán" HAVE IN COMMON What?
Both of them PUBLISH the TRUTHS with Documentation that PROVE!
Both of them are not intimidated by the Threats.
Both of them Do Not Depend of the Powerful, but, just from God
Both of them make what the mainstream media does not.
Both of them Do not Make Money With What "IS NOT" Published.
Both of them write to Its READERS what the believe in:
On Truth.
Human Rights.
Freedom of Expression and
Roberto Milán
Thanks for visiting the blog that speaks the truth about the Flight Safety and also against all powerful seals that are disregarding all my humans rights.
Thanks for visiting and show to everyone that you know, the place where there is truth!
Roberto Milán
14 comentários:
Pai de família Cristão disse...
Pai de família Cristão disse...
nego drama disse...
O Google não está respeitando o que eu estou colocando em inglês em meu Blog Flight Safety by Roberto Milán, inclusive o Próprio nome do meu Blog o Google está permitindo que mudem para Segurança de Vôo por Roberto Milán, Quem não quer que as Pessoas que só Lêem em inglês não saibam o que está acontecendo aqui no Brasil e no Mundo, onde está a liberdade de Expressão.
Sou Roberto Milán
19 de julho de 2010 17:45
Pai de família Cristão disse...
nego drama disse...
Google is not respecting what I'm putting on my Blog in English; Flight Safety by Roberto Milán, including the name of my Own Blog;The Google is allowing change the name from Flight Safety by Roberto Milán, to “Segurança de Vôo por Roberto Milán”; Who does not want that the people who only read in English does not know what is happening here in Brazil and the world, where freedom of expression?
I am Roberto Milán
19 de julho de 2010 17:58
Pai de família Cristão disse...
nego drama disse...
Aguadando contato com o de Brasília.
Aguadando contato com o de Brasília. Poderá passar um e-mail para laurenbrocardo@hotmail.com com a palavra que combinamos no meio de uma Frase ou oração, poderá tambem ser aqui nesta Comunidade.
Sou Roberto Milán, uso este Perfil quando não estou no Linux
26 de julho de 2010 09:58
nego drama disse...
O hotmail não está permitindo eu enviar este e-mail para o Jornal da Alemanha neste endereço, por favor enviem ele por mim, o endereço é:TV.Journal@DW.world-DE conforme mostra em seguida:
NOTICE for visitors who read only in English / INFORMAÇÕES para os que visitantes que lêem em Português!!!
All visitors who only read English, please follow the blog looking until you find a publication in English.
If want to know what is written in Portuguese and I have not yet translated please, use the Google translator. Brazilian Portuguese to English.
If by some chance I get stopped again to publish the comment by the Google I will continue publishing in the comment of the last publication.
BRAZILIAN AIR AUTHORITIES RECOGNIZED ABOUT MY DISCOVERIES! / Autoridades Aeronáuticas Brasileiras Reconhecem Minhas Descobertas!
"From: sie@anac.gov.br
To: laurenbrocardo@hotmail.com
CC: katia.portella@anac.gov.br
Date: Thu, 8 May 2008 14:28:57 -0300
Subject: RES: Agora eles sabem o porque do acidente da TAM, Temos que enfrentar a verdade. (CONTINUAÇÃO)
Prezado Sr. Roberto Milán
Acusamos o recebimento de suas informações e agradecemos a sua prestimosa colaboração. Seu relato está sendo devidamente encaminhado para a Área Técnica especializada do assunto, que tomará as providências cabíveis quanto ao tema em pauta. Todas as informações serão analisadas pelos nossos especialistas, que irão reformular todos os procedimentos afim de sanar as falhas pelo senhor apresentadas.
Kátia N. Portella Nunes
Gerente Técnico
Superintendência de Infra-Estrutura Aeroportuária-SIE
Agência nacional de Aviação Civil- ANAC"
( “que irão reformular todos os procedimentos afim de sanar as falhas pelo senhor apresentadas.”
“that they will reformulate all procedures to make amends for no more happen the failures by you presented “ )
Please, show it to Every Body that you Know.
Help me to save lives.
Now, we a Back in the Same Point.
What is more important? Flight Safety, Human Lives or FBW System, No Applying of RMAP and BACS?
Now they are forced all Pilots Flying the Aircraft with out Flight Safety!
It is a Russian Roulette; Do You Want to Die? Leave your Family?
So, Come to my Fight for the Flight Safety! For the Lives!
Please, show it to Everybody that you Know! Just it!
You can see all this Article in the Address: http://robertomrmilan.blogspot.com/2010/03/brazilian-air-authorities-recognized.html
Videos About:
Explanation about RMAP, The True Cause of the crash of TAM, that Brazilian Air Authorities are Censoring;Version in English / Explicação sobre a RMAP, Verdaedeira Causa do Acidente da TAM, que as Autoridades Brasileiras estão Censurando
Interview in TV Record about RMAP application Version in English / Entrevista na TV Record sobre a aplicação da RMAP.
Be Continue..
28 de julho de 2010 16:27
nego drama disse...
O hotmail não está permitindo eu enviar este e-mail para o Jornal da Alemanha neste endereço, por favor enviem ele por mim, o endereço é:TV.Journal@DW.world-DE conforme mostra em seguida:
NOTICE for visitors who read only in English / INFORMAÇÕES para os que visitantes que lêem em Português!!!
All visitors who only read English, please follow the blog looking until you find a publication in English.
If want to know what is written in Portuguese and I have not yet translated please, use the Google translator. Brazilian Portuguese to English.
If by some chance I get stopped again to publish the comment by the Google I will continue publishing in the comment of the last publication.
BRAZILIAN AIR AUTHORITIES RECOGNIZED ABOUT MY DISCOVERIES! / Autoridades Aeronáuticas Brasileiras Reconhecem Minhas Descobertas!
"From: sie@anac.gov.br
To: laurenbrocardo@hotmail.com
CC: katia.portella@anac.gov.br
Date: Thu, 8 May 2008 14:28:57 -0300
Subject: RES: Agora eles sabem o porque do acidente da TAM, Temos que enfrentar a verdade. (CONTINUAÇÃO)
Prezado Sr. Roberto Milán
Acusamos o recebimento de suas informações e agradecemos a sua prestimosa colaboração. Seu relato está sendo devidamente encaminhado para a Área Técnica especializada do assunto, que tomará as providências cabíveis quanto ao tema em pauta. Todas as informações serão analisadas pelos nossos especialistas, que irão reformular todos os procedimentos afim de sanar as falhas pelo senhor apresentadas.
Kátia N. Portella Nunes
Gerente Técnico
Superintendência de Infra-Estrutura Aeroportuária-SIE
Agência nacional de Aviação Civil- ANAC"
( “que irão reformular todos os procedimentos afim de sanar as falhas pelo senhor apresentadas.”
“that they will reformulate all procedures to make amends for no more happen the failures by you presented “ )
Please, show it to Every Body that you Know.
Help me to save lives.
Now, we a Back in the Same Point.
What is more important? Flight Safety, Human Lives or FBW System, No Applying of RMAP and BACS?
Now they are forced all Pilots Flying the Aircraft with out Flight Safety!
It is a Russian Roulette; Do You Want to Die? Leave your Family?
So, Come to my Fight for the Flight Safety! For the Lives!
Please, show it to Everybody that you Know! Just it!
You can see all this Article in the Address: http://robertomrmilan.blogspot.com/2010/03/brazilian-air-authorities-recognized.html
Videos About:
Explanation about RMAP, The True Cause of the crash of TAM, that Brazilian Air Authorities are Censoring;Version in English / Explicação sobre a RMAP, Verdaedeira Causa do Acidente da TAM, que as Autoridades Brasileiras estão Censurando
Interview in TV Record about RMAP application Version in English / Entrevista na TV Record sobre a aplicação da RMAP.
Be Continue..
28 de julho de 2010 16:27
nego drama disse...
* "RMAP" Runway Missing Approaching Point, (Cause of the crash of TAM that killed 199 people in São Paulo and the crash in India that 158 people died)
* "BACS" System Anti-Collision System, (which avoids the ingestion of birds avoiding accidents as the aircraft splashed down in the river in NY)
* And the Problem of Electromagnetic Inductance at FBW aircraft system ( Very likely Cause the Crash of Air France)
Please Touch on the ARROWS to see TITLES or place in Google search and come directly to any page of the Flight Safety Blog by Roberto Milán talking about the subject required.
The same procedure must be done to find subjects on the struggle without any lawyer Against Brazilian Justice, the Brazilian Government and the Legislature Dollars. I mean, Brazilian Anarchy!
Thanks for visiting the blog that speaks the truth about the Flight Safety and also against all powerful seals that are disregarding all my humans rights.
Thanks for visiting and show to everyone that you know, the place where there is truth!
Roberto Milán
Blogger nego drama disse...
They cut the international channels on my cable T
They cut the international channels on my cable TV (OPERATOR VIA EMBRATEL that paid in advance), simply because I'm trying to get in touch with the German TV and other TVs in other countries.
Please send e-mail as requested by me to the E-mail TV-JOURNAL@DW-WOULD.DE, that even with all capital letters.
Thanks for helping me to inform the world of risk in world aviation and disrespect for human rights that I am suffering like my family.
Roberto Milán
29 de julho de 2010 17:58
Blogger nego drama disse...
O Google não está respeitando o que eu estou colocando em inglês em meu Blog Flight Safety by Roberto Milán, inclusive o Próprio nome do meu Blog o Google está permitindo que mudem para Segurança de Vôo por Roberto Milán, Quem não quer que as Pessoas que só Lêem em inglês não saibam o que está acontecendo aqui no Brasil e no Mundo, onde está a liberdade de Expressão.
Sou Roberto Milán
29 de julho de 2010 22:33
nego drama disse...
Caro Jornalista que está tentando entrar em contato comigo, infelizmente, como pudestes observar, eles estão cortando minha comunicação contigo, assim como, com todos! Quanto ao teu questionamento, está previsto para o Próximo dia 13 uma paralisação de 24 horas por enquanto, podendo ser alterada, a principio está certo uma Empresa, podendo se tornar ampla e geral, a Principal reivindicação é a Segurança de Vôo, Muitos acidentes e quase acidentes ocorreram nos últimos três anos por falta da Aplicação da RMAP, BACS e a Influência da Indutância Eletromagnética no Sistema FBW, que comanda as superfícies de comando e os Motores das Aeronaves, as Autoridades Aeronáutica estão coagindo a todos com a Intenção de Proteger as Grandes Corporações, subjugando assim, a Segurança de Vôo.
O que Ocorreu conforme tua solicitação, foi uma Quase Gota d`água para transbordar toda paciência e já até irresponsabilidade dos Aeronautas, que estão vendo suas vidas em risco eminente em cada vôo; Quando ficaram sabendo do acidente da Pantanal em Bauru, simplesmente, existiu uma atitude coletiva de defasa de suas vidas, só isto, simples NÉ?
Para teres uma idéia, há pouco tempo atrás, uma aeronave da TAM arremeteu em Congonhas, mesmo após a abertura do Reverso (O que é Proibido) e quase caiu como a aeronave lá da Índia em que morreram 158 pessoas, segundo relato de passageiro, a aeronave passou muito perto dos Prédios e tremendo toda (Indicação de Pré-Perda de Sustentação) literalmente quase cai na sombra da própria aeronave. Tudo isto, as Autoridade Evitam que o Povo saiba, mas, Os tripulantes Sempre ficam sabendo de tudo e são eles que estão literalmente conforme palavreado típico de Aviadores (Sentindo a Aeronave na BUNDA) os Brigadeiros que tem em Média 2700 horas de Vôo não estão com suas vidas em risco, os Aviadores que para serem co-pilotos de aeronaves comercias com um pouco de experiência de Vôo, tem cerca de 2700 horas, então fica fácil, conforme pode ser visto aqui no Blog a Comissão do Código Brasileiro de Aeronáutica na Câmara dos Deputados tem ciência através dos Relator e do Presidente da Comissão de todas estas irregularidades, mas, simplesmente OMITIRAM a VERDADE.
Solicito que tu Vejas a Carta do Senador Álvaro dias Publicada aqui e ainda, já na Primeira página do Blog, o reconhecimento da Anac de minhas Descobertas e depois, reflitas; O que vale mais, uma simples vida Humana ou interesses Coorporativos da Airbus e Boeing dentre outras?
Vocês Jornalistas podem fazer a Diferença desta luta do Racional e o Irracional.
Qualquer Pergunta poderá ser feita aqui no Comentário da Primeira Página do Blog Flight Sefety by Roberto Milan, onde a Verdade sobre segurança de Vôo aparece.
É evidente que nenhum Aviador vai falar nada, para não acontecer com ele, o que aconteceu comigo e minha família conforme pode ser visto aqui no Blog.
Muito Obrigado Pela Atenção.
Roberto Milán
3 de agosto de 2010 15:29
Pensador disse...
O Google não está mostrando no meu Blog Flight Safety by Roberto Milán os Documentos que foram Publicados.
Isto é um Absurdo.
Completo desrespeito à Liberdade de Expressão.
Roberto Milán
21 de agosto de 2010 10:16
netiando disse...
Google has blocked all my passwords and my BLOG ORKUT Flight Safety by Roberto Milán, including the profile thinker.
Roberto Milán
O google bloqueou todas minhas senhas do ORKUT e de meu BLOG Flight Safety by Roberto Milán, inclusive do perfil pensador.
Roberto Milán
21 de agosto de 2010 13:15
willamemendes01 disse...
More about the strike by pilots in Brazil
Please use Google translator
Cuidado com o SNA,CUT,Lula, Brigadeiro Chorão, são todos farinha do mesmo Saco.
Estão Nervozinhos por que eu estou alertando os Aviadores.
Estão espalhando o Boato que a Gol vai Falir só para fazer os Aviadores ficarem temerosos, não esqueçam que se algo acontecesse contra a Gol o Presidente da Gol iria Abrir o Bico para Salvar seu Patrimônio, não esquentem a cabeça, neste mundo de Criminosos não tem santos.
Não esqueçam, o SNA é Cut que é Lula que SÃO Grandes Corporações.
Continuem a luta como começou, sem o SNA, Só vocês irão atingir o Resultado.
Eles estão com muito medo do Povo Saber a Verdade e só saberão quando vocês Pararem tudo por tempo Indeterminado.
Eles não podem fazer Aeronaves Voarem sem Aviadores e o Povo Vai Saber da Verdade se Vocês pararem a Aviação Brasileira e então tudo vocês terão, O Povo não Aprova Insegurança Aérea. Não temam! Isto é Fato, só Depende de Vocês.
Eu não estou conseguindo usar nem o Perfil Carlos, muito menos os meus Perfis Oficiais e nem o meu Blog. Isto é Bom, pois, eles querem parar a Voz da Consciência.
Tentarei colocar na Pagina de Recados do meu Perfil.
Por Favor, mostrem isto para todos os Aviadores que vocês conhecem.
Não negociem com suas Vidas!!!
Roberto Milán
23 de agosto de 2010 11:51
willamemendes01 disse...
More about the strike by pilots in Brazil
Please use Google translator
Vocês irão ver o Poder dos Aviadores, tudo está s
Resposta à Marcelo Rates Quaranta na Comunidade EX-TAM. Auto-Proclamado: Representante dos Criminosos Anti-Segurança de Vôo Na Internet.
Milouco - A Drag
Coitado do Milocão
Piradinho, piradinho...poor guy.
Miloquinha, continua assim que a gente te denuncia pro conselho tutelar hein! Com esse seu blog, seus fakes e outras cositas mais..nenhum juiz vai permitir uma criança sob seus cuidados...
(Tu e os outros Criminosos, irão ver, quando todos os Aviadores do Brasil pararem por tempo indeterminado após os Proximos Morrerem pelas Causas mostradas aqui, que ainda ontem foi a causa do Acidente lá na China e só pararem a Greve quando ao vivo as mesmas emisoras de tv mostrarem para o Povo Brasileiro o Nome de todos os Criminosos responsáveis pelo acidente Vindouro.
Aí, tu e os teu Companheiro Criminosos irão ver o que é o POVO BRASILEIRO enfurecido querendo que o mesmo que aconteceu com as vítimas do Acidente de Grandes Proporções que está a Caminho.
Espera que irás ver o Poder que os Aviadores, a Classe melhor Qualificada da Nação pode fazer pela Segurança de VÔO.
A Um Ano Atrás, tu me chamava de Doido, hoje a Greve é uma Realidade.
Avisa teus Companheiro Criminosos.
Vocês irão ver o Poder dos Aviadores, tudo está sendo Preparado.
Roberto Milán )
willamemendes01 disse...
Não adianta Torturar minha Esposa Fisicamente!
Não adianta Torturar minha Esposa Fisicamente! Eu não vou desistir de mostrar para os Aviadores, que é fundamental uma Greve Por tempo Indeterminado, até que as próprias emissoras de TV e jornais que estão Subordinados ao esquema Criminoso mostrem ao povo Brasileiro o nome de todos os Criminosos que estão matando Aviadores por todo o Mundo para defender as Empresas Fabricantes de Aeronaves e as Autoridades Corruptas que estão Envolvidas no esquema Criminoso de Anti-Segurança de Vôo.
Quanto à Tortura Física que praticaram à minha Esposa, foi assim: Minha Esposa sofre de uma doença Crônica “Espondinite” (parece ser este o nome correto) é uma doença que em linguagem simples, tranca as juntas e músculos da pessoa e o resultado é um sofrimento intenso com dores continuas comparáveis à dores de Parto. Esta doença por ser Crônica não tem cura e é necessário tomar um remédio muito caro que o Governo oferece de Graça, porém o Governo de Roseana Sarney e do Filho do Brasil o LULA, sem ter explicação técnica, exigiu que minha esposa que já faz o tratamento a mais de 2.5 anos com o mesmo Médico ( a maior autoridade em doenças reumáticas do Maranhão, Dr. Afonso recebendo o medicamento na mesma Farmácia) fizesse testes para saber se a doença que está lá no Processo na FEME (Farmácia do Governo) que é Crônica, e nunca poderá com a Tecnologia Médica hoje existente deixar de Ser Crônica, continua nela e isto fez a minha esposa Sofre por Simples tortura por mais de uma Semana, porém isto não é tudo, condicionou que minha esposa só receberia as outras doses, se fizesse outros testes a cada vez que fosse buscar, Desrespeitando o Laudo Médico do Maior Especialista do Maranhão no Assunto e pior, puro Crime de Prevaricação, (quando usa do poder para prejudicar os outros) neste caso, Crime de Tortura, Crime contra a Humanidade.
Aviadores observem que ainda hoje, outra Aeronave da Embraer saiu da pista lá na China, com a Graça de Deus, ninguém morreu. Os Avisos são vastos, outro Grande Acidente se aproxima e a pergunta é simples: Teremos que esperar que outro Aviador ou Aviadores Morram para pararmos a Aviação totalmente por tempo Indeterminado até os mesmos que Proíbem a Imprensa de falar à Verdade sobre a Insegurança de Vôo reinante mandem a imprensa “Ao Vivo” mostrar para a Sociedade brasileira os Criminosos que estão nos Matando. Não sejamos inocentes, isto só acontecerá se Pararmos totalmente a aviação Brasileira por tempo indeterminado e condicionarmos a Volta ao Trabalho, se o Povo sem nenhuma ”EDIÇÃO” ficar sabendo da Verdade e por isto é fundamental que seja ao Vivo.
Eu não me Curvarei às Torturas Físicas e psicológicas, Eu já Passei da V1 e Tenho que acreditar na Justiça de Deus, pois, a dos homens é Corrupta e os Principais Corruptos são os do MP. As provas estão Publicadas no meu Blog:
Não Esqueça, o SNA é da CUT que é do Lula que é dos Milicos que são anti-Segurança de Vôo.
Minha esposa me perguntou quando eu cheguei em casa e disse que o Sarney tinha me proposto publicar a RMAP na Globo por 4 horas em todo o Brasil dia até todos saberem sobre a RMAP se eu tinha denunciado ele no MP, claro que eu disse que tinha denunciado, ela ficou muito Orgulhosa de mim, Por isto Criminosos, eu Casei com uma pessoa Honrada que não se abala com torturas Físicas. O MP sabe disto e nada fez ou Faz, na hora Certa Denunciarei o MP e outros da justiça Brasileira e do Congresso Brasileiro e o Lula por Crime contra a Humanidade no Tribunal Penal Internacional, o mesmo que trancou a justiça brasileira até um “Bondoso” congressista fazer a Lei Maria da Penha.
Imaginem um Lula e tantos outros Procurados pela Interpol.
Por ter a mulher que tenho e não fazer acordo com o Demônio como Lula diz que faz, eu não tenho medo de Tortura Física.
Não esqueçam Aviadores, o Brasil Constitucional está Falido e é uma Corrupção só, se e somente se quiserem ter uma Aviação segura novamente, terão que fazer uma Greve conforme informado acima.
Roberto Milán
27 de agosto de 2010 18:36
willamemendes01 disse...
Please, help me to disseminate to all Unions Pilots, Associations of Pilots of the World what is happening here in Brazil.
Dear Friend, It was not just a pleasure to contact you, but a necessity because many air accidents are occurring and that people need for the Flight Safety interested like you, to show the Maximum Pilots, I say, the Pilots Union, Airline Pilots Union, Associations of Airline Pilots all over the world of Need for the Application of "RMAP" who victimize since 2007 besides the 199 dead from the crash of TAM, killed more than 60 before the accident in India that killed 158 people, and now, killed more 43 in China, not forgetting that God was very Generous with the crash of American Air Lines in Jamaica, which occurred in Colombia in just the aircraft broke into three parts the other incident happened in China who died after 43 with another and another air Crash with a Emb-190 on the same week that nobody died ; We airmen here in Brazil are in the state of strike and it was determined that if happen other Accident with Death of Pilots, Business Aviation will stop the Brazilian and just come back after Live talk in TV to the people complaining that the authorities are killing People. around the world.
The Flight Safety requires the application of what follows...
*"RMAP" Runway Missing Approaching Point, (Cause of the crash of TAM that killed 199 people in São Paulo and the crash in India that 158 people died)
* "BACS" System Anti-Collision System, (which avoids the ingestion of birds avoiding accidents as the aircraft splashed down in the river in NY)
* And the Problem of Electromagnetic Inductance at FBW aircraft system ( Very likely Cause the Crash of Air France)
I emphasize to follow what is right on first page of the Blog. Flight Safety by Roberto Milan http://robertomrmilan.blogspot.com/ I also have Facebook. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000905922211
Thank you for your attention and please help me to disseminate to all Unions Pilots, Associations of Pilots of the World what is happening here in Brazil.
Roberto Milán
3 de setembro de 2010 18:55
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