Dear journalist, follow more information about the safe method of landing aircrafts and others discoveries in the annexed file as you requested by e-mail
I started to fly very young. It was my dream since I was a little boy. This dream I realized. In the beginning I worked in little air companies and no longer I started to work in TAM and after Rio Sul from the Varig Group, two important Brazilian air companies, flying jetliner. In 1999 emerged the opportunity to fly in Europe, so I went to Portugal to work in Portugalia company flying to all Occidental Europe. In 2003 I came back to Brazil and I made a course of agricultural pilot then I began flying this category of flight. In 2007 when occurred the fatal accident with TAM flight 3054, I noticed that something was missing in order to guarantee a safety landing. Then I invented a safety method of landing that I called RMAP- Running Missing Approaching Point. At that moment I started to make public it on the web, specially in orkut communities of airplane pilots. However, some people that for some reason, maybe economics reason, started to tarnish on my reputation saying lies about me on the Internet. In order to discredit me. These people also called me many times to threat me of lost my pilot licenses and my life, I have to cancel my phones to have some peace. In 2008 I got a job in a air company called TAF, that company sent me the ticket to go to Fortaleza where is its operational base. Nevertheless, all of a sudden the TAF canceled my admission. Last year a captain that is my friend, who was working in TAF that time, told me that my admission was canceled because of pressure of the group that is interested to hide the RMAP. Still in 2008 the ANAC - Brazilian National Civil Aviation Agency recognized my invent as a necessary change to do, but also ANAC surrendered to the pressure. But beyond of the “RMAP”, I discovered the probable cause of Air France air crash in the Atlantic Ocean in the cost of Brazil with 228 people on board. This discovery is about the effect of the Magnetic Inductance in the system Fly by Wire “FBW”, just because in the aircraft that fly using the “FBW” system, the flight controls and the engines control is being controlled totally by a Electric-Electronic system and if a thunderbolt reaching the aircraft the “Faraday Cage”, just protect it from the electricity that pass around the aircraft, however do not protect the aircraft and all system FBW from the magnetic inductance from the thunderbolt and the result of this is the fuse of part of the “WIRE” interrupting the connecting between command from Pilots to the Flight Command Surface and the Engines Regime Control. As a result we have a uncontrolled aircraft flight, so is very necessary that the aircraft using FBW system has a alternative system control to the air control surface and the engines regime control without any kind of Electric-Electronic System, just it! And every aircraft using FBW will be very safety, but NOW is very unsafe operation in “thunderbolt condition” with this aircraft using FBW system . I also invented the “BACS” - Bird Anti-Collision System, this system permit that the birds be put out of the flight aircraft track, avoid that happen any air crash like that happened in New York, when the US AIR aircraft landed on the River with 154 on board due to both engines was stopped by a bird injection. This System using the electro-magnetic source, it is like a radar, but do not receive the flash back from the electro-magnetic source sent in front of aircraft track.
Until now I am fighting for my survey and my dignity, until today these people oppress me all the ways you can imagine. Besides, they threated to provoke the lost of my wife job through hacking the system of the place that she works, in fact they already invaded our computer system many times, so much, that I desisted to access the Internet from may computer. These people wish that my wife lost her job considering that if I don't have money will be easier they shut up me. I have a little child of nine years old, and I need to protect me and my family, but how?
Furthermore the Brazilian justice was corrupted too, by the way, who am I to fight alone against these powerfull system. As a matter of fact, in few words is impossible to explain all the things that me and my family is suffering. Until today I am unemployed and I know that many other airline pilots are convinced that the RMAP is primordial and it will avoid accidents and save lives.
Thank you very much for your attention and God bless you,
ROBERTO MELO RODRIGUEZ MILÁN ( my Brazilian name) or
(Pilot with flight experience in Brazil and Europe with almost 10 000 flight hours)
Brazilian Airline Transport Pilot - Airplane Number 5193
European Airline Transport Pilot – Airplane number 1526
Owner of blog Flight Safety by Roberto Milán:
Address: Rua do Machado, 39, Centro – Zip Code 65010-350,
City: São Luís, Country: Brazil
Phone Number +55 98 3084 05 77
Email received from ANAC:
Date: Thu, 8 May 2008 14:28:57 -0300
Subject: RES: Agora eles sabem o porque do acidente da TAM, Temos que enfrentar a verdade. (CONTINUAÇÃO)
Prezado Sr. Roberto Milán Acusamos o recebimento de suas informações e agradecemos a sua prestimosa colaboração. Seu relato está sendo devidamente encaminhado para a Área Técnica especializada do assunto, que tomará as providências cabíveis quanto ao tema em pauta. Todas as informações serão analisadas pelos nossos especialistas, que irão reformular todos os procedimentos afim de sanar as falhas pelo senhor apresentadas.
Kátia N. Portella Nunes
Gerente Técnico Superintendência de Infra-Estrutura Aeroportuária-SIE
Agência nacional de Aviação Civil- ANAC
Subject Res: Now they know the why of the TAM air Crash. We must to face the truth. (CONTINUATION)
“Dear, Mister Roberto Milán, We inform that we received your informations and thanks your very important collaboration. Your information is being very carefully send to the technical Area of Specialized Subject , that all correct providences for this subject that you sent to us will do. Every informations will analyzed by our experts, that we will reformulate all procedures with the intention of put end of all failure by you show up to us.
Thank you,”
You can see some article about my Discoveries
Flight Safety is more important than Any Aircraft
RMAP is Runway Missing Approaching Point, Just Because, The Aircraft doesn`t reaching Low Speed less than 80kts, so the Aircraft will do the Missing Approaching Procedure and no full stopped land, if the Aircraft when reach the RMAP Signer with low Speed, LESS than 80kts, it will do full stopped land and waiting the time ANOUGH to VMBE (Maximum Brake Energy Speed) and to start a new departure Procedure, Just it. And you don`t Forget!!! Flight Safety is Air Security, if any Aircraft is not Safety, must to be Grounding, just it…
It is so easy… If the Aircraft doesn`t have limitation enough, It will not be Homologate RMAP. Flight Safety is more important than Any Aircraft; The Aircraft must to get good limitation of the Maximum Brake Energy Speed, just it!!! Flight Safety is Air Security, if any Aircraft is not Safety, must to be Grounding, just it…
Roberto Milán
RMAP is a runway missing approaching point that is equal the runway land length available minus maximum land weight V1 length running by the aircraft minus 300 meters plus the length running by the aircraft due the lost of time to take action.
RMAPjm = LDA – [ MLWV1 MappflapLT – (300m + X)]
Roberto Milán.
FORMULA RMAPjmappflapm
( RMAP to Jet aircraft using missing approaching flap without ACRT )
RMAPjm = RWLT – [ MLWV1MappflapLT – ( 300m + X)]
RMAPjm = LDA – [ MLWV1 MappflapLT – (300m + X)]
RMAPj ( RMAP to Jet aircraft using missing approaching flap without ACRT )
ACRT ( Automatic Closing Reverser with Thrust power )
LDA (Land distance Available)
X { Meters (m) lost to close the reverser and reaching full thrust power}
M ( Maximum )
LT ( Length )
L (Landing )
W ( Weight )
m (Meter)
Mappflap (Missing approaching flap)
The correction of runway contamination and another correction more are in the V1 values. Something more can be including for an other proposal.
Roberto Milán
The PHYSIC laws are better than worst engineer
BXXXgXX - As an engineer? Honestly? the A380 has been the best working experience for me.
(Just if you are really an engineer: Why you and your friends Didn`t Answered me how you and your dear Friends do to avoid the Magnetic Inductance Caused by a FLASH OF LIGHTNING or THUNDERBOLT? Why you and your Friends put me out of the Airbus Community without any question or argue about this really Airbus Problem! The impossibility to avoid the Magnetic Inductance Caused by a FLASH OF LIGHTNING or THUNDERBOLT? Why you and your friends are doing censure about the Airbus and The impossibility to avoid the Magnetic Inductance Caused by a FLASH OF LIGHTNING or THUNDERBOLT? . The PHYSIC laws are better than worst engineer!
I Am published this information in Another Communities in English.) .
Roberto Milán
Flight by Wire, won`t be Working Future, The Electromagnetism was forgetting by the ENGENERS.
. The Electromagnetic Induction shows up in each metallic surface look like metallic wire that takes electric inputs through itself to a Servo that transform this electric energy to hydraulic energy and from this to mechanic Energy to command the Aircraft Flight Controls Surfaces. Like is in case the high electric discharger a Big Magnetic Arc perpendicular the electric flux (OR CHARGER) so strong as the electric flux will appear to make a so big as the electric charger ELETROMAGNETIC INDUTION that is a BASIC FACTOR to Transform Magnetic energy to Electric Energy. The System that use the metallic surface or wire (to takes electric inputs through itself to a Servo that transform this electric energy to hydraulic energy and from this to mechanic Energy to command the Aircraft Flight Controls Surfaces) is vulnerable to a ELETROMAGNETIC INDUTION and this fact do this System be UNSAFETY to Be The Unique Base System (FLIGHT by WIRE) to leader the Aircraft Flight Control. . I request that, Any Electric Doctor OR Engineer or Air Authorities that Show to me where is a System to Protect a Electric System (FLIGHT by WIRE) from a ELETROMAGNETIC INDUTION. . Considering this fact, I suggest the Engineers and the Air Authorities that to save the Aircraft using (Flight by Wire) this kind of Flight leader Controls to put paralleling with this (FLIGHT by WIRE)a conventional leader Control with cable like WAS using Before the (FLIGHT by WIRE)
Roberto Milán
About the Air France Air Crash I think that:
. About the Air France Air Crash I think that it has a Great possibility that the Aircraft loss the Air control due to a Magnetic Inductance caused for a great flash of lightning that passed close or touch in the Aircraft, but it is just a possibility, the law of the magnetic Inductance show for us that it is completely possible. The Aircraft that is using the system FBW is not protect from the magnetic inductance caused for a great flash of lightning, it is a fact. Faraday cage protect the Aircraft just against the Electrical charge, but no against the Magnetic Inductance caused for a great flash of lightning that it will create a great Electrical Charge in the wires inside or the Aircraft and it will break the wire, and all this System FBW will stop and if the Aircraft has parallel System FBW, all can be stop and the Aircraft will lost all control including the FADEC System too… It is what I think About this Air Crash, but is clear that never will be the official Cause…Never they will find the CVR and FDR, Never we will know where is this CVR and FDR, this is the law of the more stronger, the people that just wants money, just it…
For them, Flight Safety is joke…
Roberto Milán
The PHYSIC laws are better than worst engineer
BXXXgXX - As an engineer? Honestly? the A380 has been the best working experience for me.
(Just if you are really an engineer: Why you and your friends Didn`t Answered me how you and your dear Friends do to avoid the Magnetic Inductance Caused by a FLASH OF LIGHTNING or THUNDERBOLT? Why you and your Friends put me out of the Airbus Community without any question or argue about this really Airbus Problem! The impossibility to avoid the Magnetic Inductance Caused by a FLASH OF LIGHTNING or THUNDERBOLT? Why you and your friends are doing censure about the Airbus and The impossibility to avoid the Magnetic Inductance Caused by a FLASH OF LIGHTNING or THUNDERBOLT? . The PHYSIC laws are better than worst engineer!
I Am published this information in Another Communities in English.) .
Roberto Milán
V Commitment for Full-stop Landing Landing incidents and accidents clearly demonstrate that after the thrust reversers have been deployed (even at reverse idle), the landing must be completed to a full stop, as a successful go-around may not be possible. The following occurrences have resulted in a significantly reduced rate of climb or in departure from controlled flight: • Thrust asymmetry resulting from asymmetrical engine spool up (i.e., asymmetrical engine acceleration characteristics from a ground idle level); • Thrust asymmetry resulting from one thrust reverser going to the stow position faster than the other one; and, • Severe thrust asymmetry resulting from one thrust reverser failing to re-stow.
(As you can see, the missing approaching procedure is impossible today after the reverse be open in Airbus aircraft, Boeing Aircraft between an others Aircrafts, This Operational Restriction of this Aircraft make us put in our minds, so much important and Urgent is the necessity to be homologue the “RMAP” .When it happen, will be remove all restriction from the missing approaching procedure from the Aircraft after the reverse be open.
The Base of Flight Safety is “Do Not Continue The Unsafe Maneuver” today is completed unsafe all land procedure around the world until the RMAP be applied. )
Roberto Milán
"BACS" (Bird Anti-Collision System)
. This is a very simple System and very efficient to protect the Aircrafts and their Passenger against birds strikes: Let’s go to see how this invent works: Considering that when somebody or some animal come to intercept us and we want to alert it, in principle, we make some kind of noise and this interception is avoided; The principle of the BACS is exactly the same, but, it used radios frequencies or the same Microwave like is used in Metrologic Aircraft Radar. . Let`s go to consider a Ordinary Metrologic Aircraft Radar project to detect metrological layer or (rain or snow) precipitation during the flight. This equipment turn on the transmission equipment that send radio Frequency with High Power, this radio frequency sending no take more than a microsecond, But, in the case of the BACS, it is twice more powerful than the Ordinary Metrologic Aircraft Radar, with start Power of 200W and it use this frequency to remove of the Aircraft track the birds, however, different of the Radar, the BACS doesn`t turn off the transmission equipment to turn on the receptor equipment to receive the returning frequencies from the target, just because in case of the BACS, it just have the transmission equipment. The radios waves travel in Light speed, about 300.000km/s, this conclusion, send us to observe that the BACS will alert the bird about the Aircraft with time enough to get out of Aircraft track and avoiding a bird strike, due to the BACS Antenna every time will be adjusted to transmit the radios frequencies in the Aircraft successive trajectory, so every time the Aircraft will be passing for a Clear bird Track. . UHF frequencies from X000 until 1X000MHz will be used; The transmission equipment gives radiofrequencies or microwaves like inputs electromagnetic modulated in high power that is sending in direction of the target ( or in front of Aircraft successive trajectory); During the propagation to the air, the electromagnetic radio frequency goes on in form of cone until reaching the target that will be compelling to get out in front of the Aircraft successive trajectory, because the power will be more stronger in the center of the arc electromagnetic radio transmission than in the periphery of this Arc Electromagnetic radio transmission. . It will be used radiofrequencies (MHz-million of Hertz until hundreds of million); so, we can see that the BACS just will send electromagnetic radio transmission in front of the Aircraft successive trajectory to remove the birds with the radios frequencies more appropriated for the birds that is flying in the season of the year that the Aircraft is flying over this specific local, but, it will have a electromagnetic radio or microwave frequency ordinary for all kind of Birds Around All World. All these frequencies will be published in the Aerodrome Approaching Cards, Departure Cards and Area Cards, etc…
The BACS will be: . System 1 or “S-1” and System 2 or “S2”.
The System 1 or “S-1” - The Crew will select the appropriated frequency in the BACS´s console in accord with frequencies published for this overfly area by the Aircraft in the season of the year that it is happening and the Birds that is flying at that time in this local overfly will be removed of the Aircraft route.
The System 2 or “S-2” - This system will be connecting with the “S-1”; A navigation equipment type: GPS, OMEGA, INERCIAL, etc… that will get select automatically the appropriated frequency in the console in accord with the overfly are by the Aircraft and the season of the year that it is happened and the Birds that is flying in this local overfly will be removed of the Aircraft route. In this case will be necessary that the software of this equipment be updated, consequently the Birds that is flying at that time in this local overfly will be removed of the Aircraft route. But, it could be select the appropriated frequency like it is select in the “S-1”
Roberto Milán

Observation: sometimes I can not talk on my phones because the people that I mentioned before cut the line, but even so, if you need to talk to me, please call me or send me a email.
Thank you,
Roberto Milán
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