I am a victim like Al Gore denounced in his Inconvenient Truth Documentary!!!
Please, help me to save lives!!!I am a victim like Al Gore denounced in his Inconvenient Truth documentary because I discovered the RMAP, The catastrophic effect of magnetic inductance in the FBW system and how to avoid accidents like the U.S. Air on the river in NY, now I'm out of work and I and my family threatened w...ith death by the Brazilian Government.
A helicopter of the government armed pointed guns at me and my family, my daughter, only nine years old was upset, all this was reported in Unisef.
Please, show up to everyone my blog Flight Safety by Roberto Milán http://robertomrmilan.blogspot.com/2010/03/brazilian-air-authorities-recognized.html
Roberto Milán My Twitter:
Help me save Lives and Flight Safety
So!!! Show it to everybody that you know.
Roberto Milan
The twitter is not allowing me to send messeng to you and to another people.I Askd to you? Why they do not want that you know about my discoveries?It is clear that I am correct.The super power is not want to save livies, they want to get profits, just it!
Once more thank you for all.
Roberto Milán
RMAP is a runway missing approaching point that is equal the runway land length available minus maximum land weight V1 length running by the aircraft minus 300 meters plus the length running by the aircraft due the lost of time to take action.
RMAPjm = LDA – [ MLWV1 MappflapLT – (300m + X)...]
Roberto Milán.
From: sie@anac.gov.br
To: laurenbrocardo@hotmail.com
CC: katia.portella@anac.gov.br
Date: Thu, 8 May 2008 14:28:57 -0300
Subject: RES: Agora eles sabem o porque do acidente da TAM, Temos que enfrentar a verdade. (CONTINUAÇÃO)
Prezado Sr. Roberto Milán Acusamos o recebimento de suas informações e agradecemos a sua prestimosa colaboração. Seu relato está sendo devidamente encaminhado para a Área Técnica especializada do assunto, que tomará as providências cabíveis quanto ao tema em pauta. Todas as informações serão analisadas pelos nossos especialistas, que irão reformular todos os procedimentos afim de sanar as falhas pelo senhor apresentadas.
Kátia N. Portella Nunes
Gerente Técnico Superintendência de Infra-Estrutura Aeroportuária-SIE Agência nacional de Aviação Civil- ANAC
Subject Res: Now they know the why of the TAM air Crash. We must to face the truth. (CONTINUATION)
“Dear, Mister Roberto Milán, We inform that we received your informations and thanks your very important collaboration. Your information is being very carefully send to the technical Area of Specialized Subje...ct , that all correct providences for this subject that you sent to us will do. Every informations will analyzed by our experts, that we will reformulate all procedures with the intention of put end of all failure by you show up to us.
Thank you,”
Now I say!!!
Please, help me to save livies.
Just show it to everybody that you Know.
Roberto Milán
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