RMAP is Runway Missing Approaching Point, Just Because, The Aircraft doesn`t reaching Low Speed less than 80kts, so the Aircraft will do the Missing Approaching Procedure and no full stopped land, if the Aircraft when reach the RMAP Signer with low Speed, LESS than 80kts, it will do full stopped land and waiting the time ANOUGH to VMBE (Maximum Brake Energy Speed) and to start a new departure Procedure, Just it.
And you don`t Forget!!! Flight Safety is Air Security, if any Aircraft is not Safety, must to be Grounding, just it…
It is so easy… If the Aircraft doesn`t have limitation enough, It will not be Homologate RMAP. Flight Safety is more important than Any Aircraft; The Aircraft must to get good limitation of the Maximum Brake Energy Speed, just it!!!
Flight Safety is Air Security, if any Aircraft is not Safety, must to be Grounding, just it…
Roberto Milán
BRASIL! Império dos OFICIAIS GENERAIS que o tomaram de Dom Pedro ll e desde
então, estão no SUBMUNDO COAGINDO, AMEAÇANDO, MATANDO, Estuprando,
Desfazendo Famílias, SEQUESTRANDO E COLOCANDO inocentes na cadeia,
Hospício; Esse é o destino de todos que querem uma República!
*Isso é o que os Oficiais Generais das Forcas Armadas Fazem com quem
descorda dele!*
Há 6 anos
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