This is a very simple System and very efficient to protect the Aircrafts and their Passenger against birds strikes: Let’s go to see how this invent works:
Considering that when somebody or some animal come to intercept us and we want to alert it, in principle, we make some kind of noise and this interception is avoided; The principle of the BACS is exactly the same, but, it used radios frequencies or the same Microwave like is used in Metrologic Aircraft Radar.
Let`s go to consider a Ordinary Metrologic Aircraft Radar project to detect metrological layer or (rain or snow) precipitation during the flight. This equipment turn on the transmission equipment that send radio Frequency with High Power, this radio frequency sending no take more than a microsecond, But, in the case of the BACS, it is twice more powerful than the Ordinary Metrologic Aircraft Radar, with start Power of 200W and it use this frequency to remove of the Aircraft track the birds, however, different of the Radar, the BACS doesn`t turn off the transmission equipment to turn on the receptor equipment to receive the returning frequencies from the target, just because in case of the BACS, it just have the transmission equipment. The radios waves travel in Light speed, about 300.000km/s, this conclusion, send us to observe that the BACS will alert the bird about the Aircraft with time enough to get out of Aircraft track and avoiding a bird strike, due to the BACS Antenna every time will be adjusted to transmit the radios frequencies in the Aircraft successive trajectory, so every time the Aircraft will be passing for a Clear bird Track.
UHF frequencies from X000 until 1X000MHz will be used; The transmission equipment gives radiofrequencies or microwaves like inputs electromagnetic modulated in high power that is sending in direction of the target ( or in front of Aircraft successive trajectory); During the propagation to the air, the electromagnetic radio frequency goes on in form of cone until reaching the target that will be compelling to get out in front of the Aircraft successive trajectory, because the power will be more stronger in the center of the arc electromagnetic radio transmission than in the periphery of this Arc Electromagnetic radio transmission.
It will be used radiofrequencies (MHz-million of Hertz until hundreds of million); so, we can see that the BACS just will send electromagnetic radio transmission in front of the Aircraft successive trajectory to remove the birds with the radios frequencies more appropriated for the birds that is flying in the season of the year that the Aircraft is flying over this specific local, but, it will have a electromagnetic radio or microwave frequency ordinary for all kind of Birds Around All World. All these frequencies will be published in the Aerodrome Approaching Cards, Departure Cards and Area Cards, etc…
The BACS will be:
System 1 or “S-1” and System 2 or “S2”.
The System 1 or “S-1” - The Crew will select the appropriated frequency in the BACS´s console in accord with frequencies published for this overfly area by the Aircraft in the season of the year that it is happening and the Birds that is flying at that time in this local overfly will be removed of the Aircraft route.
The System 2 or “S-2” - This system will be connecting with the “S-1”; A navigation equipment type: GPS, OMEGA, INERCIAL, etc… that will get select automatically the appropriated frequency in the console in accord with the overfly are by the Aircraft and the season of the year that it is happened and the Birds that is flying in this local overfly will be removed of the Aircraft route. In this case will be necessary that the software of this equipment be updated, consequently the Birds that is flying at that time in this local overfly will be removed of the Aircraft route. But, it could be select the appropriated frequency like it is select in the “S-1”
Roberto Milán
BRASIL! Império dos OFICIAIS GENERAIS que o tomaram de Dom Pedro ll e desde
então, estão no SUBMUNDO COAGINDO, AMEAÇANDO, MATANDO, Estuprando,
Desfazendo Famílias, SEQUESTRANDO E COLOCANDO inocentes na cadeia,
Hospício; Esse é o destino de todos que querem uma República!
*Isso é o que os Oficiais Generais das Forcas Armadas Fazem com quem
descorda dele!*
Há 6 anos
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