The Electromagnetic Induction shows up in each metallic surface look like metallic wire that takes electric inputs through itself to a Servo that transform this electric energy to hydraulic energy and from this to mechanic Energy to command the Aircraft Flight Controls Surfaces. Like is it in case of the high electric discharger a Big Magnetic Arc perpendicular the electric flux (OR CHARGER) so strong as the electric flux will appear to make up a so big as the electric charger ELETROMAGNETIC INDUTION that is a BASIC FACTOR to Transform Magnetic energy to Electric Energy. The System that use the metallic surface or wire (to takes electric inputs through itself to a Servo that transform this electric energy to hydraulic energy and from this to mechanic Energy to command the Aircraft Flight Controls Surfaces) is vulnerable to a ELETROMAGNETIC INDUTION and this fact do this System be UNSAFETY to Be The Unique Base System (FLIGHT by WIRE) to leader the Aircraft Flight Control.
I request that, Any Electric Doctor OR Engineer or Air Authorities that Show to me where is a System to Protect a Electric System (FLIGHT by WIRE) from a ELETROMAGNETIC INDUTION.
Considering this fact, I suggest to the Engineers and the Air Authorities that to save the Aircraft using (Flight by Wire) this kind of Flight leader Controls to put paralleling with this (FLIGHT by WIRE)a conventional leader Control with cable like WAS using Before the (FLIGHT by WIRE)
Roberto Milán
BRASIL! Império dos OFICIAIS GENERAIS que o tomaram de Dom Pedro ll e desde
então, estão no SUBMUNDO COAGINDO, AMEAÇANDO, MATANDO, Estuprando,
Desfazendo Famílias, SEQUESTRANDO E COLOCANDO inocentes na cadeia,
Hospício; Esse é o destino de todos que querem uma República!
*Isso é o que os Oficiais Generais das Forcas Armadas Fazem com quem
descorda dele!*
Há 6 anos
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