This request looks like it might be automated. To protect our users from spam and other malicious activity, we can't complete this action right now. Please try again later.
This is what appears on my screen when I try to send a Twitter to someone!
You think it's censorship?
Show everyone you know!
Help me to show what really is Twitter!
So does my Facebook!
For this reason there is advertising everywhere from Facebook and Twitter!
Already on Google+ I have freedom!
Google + has no advertising at all TV networks!
Come to Google+ where I can communicate with you!
If you do not like to be Censored course!
Roberto Milán.
Este pedido se parece com pedidos automatizados. Para proteger nossos usuários contra spam e outras atividades maliciosas, nós não podemos completar essa ação agora. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde.
Isso é o que aparece na minha tela quando tento mandar um Twitter para alguém!
Você acha que é censura?
Por quê?
Mostre a todos que você conhece!
Ajude-me a mostrar o que realmente é o Twitter!
O mesmo acontece com o meu Facebook!
Por essa razão existe propaganda em todo lugar do Facebook e do Twitter!
Já no Google + eu tenho liberdade!
O Google + não tem propaganda em todas as redes de TVs!
Venha para o Google + onde eu posso me comunicar com você!
Se Você não gosta de ser Censurado é claro!
Roberto Milán.
NOW see these videos ( and additional information ) about the connection between my statments !!!
((((((( Please, use TRANSLATERS SITES!
(((((((“Meu País” o livro. Link; livrosderobertomilan.blogspot.
Explanation about RMAP, The True Cause of the crash of TAM, that
Brazilian Air Authorities are Censoring;Version in English.
Interview in TV Record about RMAP application Version in English.
Link of Previous Article:http://robertomrmilan.blogspot.com.br/2014/11/karl-marx-was-wrong-capitalists-do-not.html
Please, just think about what are in these Links http://atribunaderobertomilan.blogspot.com.br/(A Tribuna de Roberto Milán) ; http://robertomrmilan.blogspot.com.br/ (Flight Safety by Roberto Milán); http://livrosderobertomilan.blogspot.com/;(Livros De Roberto Milán)
SO, please READ the following THINKS!
-->Karl Marx was wrong, because is not the CAPITAL the responsible for the INEGUALITY between the people, BUT, the Judiciary Power that in all Countries NEVER was ELECTED by the people, always the MEMBERS of the COURTS were VESTED by the rich families around the world. -->Read it in the comments of this article link http://atribunaderobertomilan.blogspot.com.br/2014/10/os-pilares-da-maior-fraude-eleitoral-da.html --> It is written in English.
SO, PLEASE, SHOW this THOUGHTS to your friends so SMARTS than YOU.
The Brazilian Authorities put me out of academic world due to my thinks be differents of the corrupt world that we live.
Link of this Article: http://robertomrmilan.blogspot.com.br/2014/11/come-to-google-where-i-can-communicate.html
Thank you for your attention and understanding.
Roberto Milán